Grewingk Glacier Lake HikeDistance: 1.5 miles, one way
Difficulty: Moderate, with short, steep climbs Elevation Gain: 370' Duration: 1 hr, one way This trail begins at a beach trailhead, with a steep, uphill climb in the first 0.3 mi, which is nearly all this hike's elevation. The trail becomes fairly level on the topside of the Saddle, and meanders through a thick boreal forest of Cottenwood, Sitka Spruce and other north woods vegetation. The trail then drops down the backside of the Saddle, and onto the glacier moraine, where the vegetation changes. The forrest thins out and the trails consists mostly of rocks and gravel, surrounded by scrub brush. The hike ends at a glacier lake formed by Grewingk Glacier, a glacier that continues to calve various slabs of ice some as large as a house. These icebergs are observed in a unique way in March and April by ice-skating around and through them on the frozen lake. In early spring, the days are long, the temperatures are mild and the sounds are hushed, as opposed to the summer months. This activity is included in the cost of your stay.
TidepoolingDistance: 0.5 - 3mi.
Difficulty: Easy, flat gravel beaches Elevation Gain: 0' Duration: 1-2 hrs. Kachemak Bay is noteworthy for its miles of rocky beaches, large tidal exchanges and estuaries teeming with marine life, and guests of all ages enjoy visiting the nearby tide pools. Scientists have counted at least 170 species of macroscopic invertebrates in the intertidal zones, and many more have yet to be discovered. On our best low-tide series, you may see barnacles, limpets, anemones, hermit crabs, sea stars, nudibranchs, sponges and sea cucumbers. If this activity interests you, please contact us for the best low tides during your stay with us. This activity is included in the cost of your stay.
Alpine Ridge HikeDistance: 2.5 miles, one way
Difficulty: Difficult, with long, steep climbs Elevation Gain: 2,332' Duration: 2.5 hrs, one way This hike begins at the Saddle Trailhead, and branches off at the top of the saddle towards Alpine Ridge. This trail is densely forested, until breaking out of the tree line. The trail is well marked, but can sometimes be overgrown. Hiking poles and sturdy shoes are recommended, and there are ropes in some places to help going up and down. Here guests are free to wander around in the alpine tundra and enjoy the rocks, knolls, ponds and hardy wildlife that thrives here. The views of Grewingk Glacier, Kachemak Bay, Homer, and the volcanoes across Cook Inlet are unparalleled. In August, ripe blueberries can be seen covering the hillside. This activity is included in the cost of your stay.
Moose Valley HikeDistance: 3.3 miles, one way
Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult, long grades Elevation Gain: 1,200' Duration: 2 hrs, one way This is one of our personal favorites, and we spend family time here nearly every year. This trail begins in the Halibut Cove Lagoon, passes the shore of Two Loon Lake, ascends forested ridges and winds down through valleys, then opens into Moose Valley - a valley surrounded by towering mountains, a clear water stream running through a forest of giant century’s old cottonwood trees, and willow and grass meadows. Set perfectly in all this beauty is a mid-last-century cabin, built out of logs and chinked with moss in the old tradition of the pioneer days, a craft which the old timers took with them giving way to modern materials and techniques. Look for high waterfalls beyond the log footbridge, and goats on the mountain ridges. This activity is included in the cost of your stay.
Planning your trip?
In Halibut Cove, Adjacent to the Kachemak Bay State Park.
Mailing Address:
PO Box 659 Homer, AK 99603 Physical Address: 46514 Sidelinger Trail Halibut Cove, AK 99603 [email protected] |
NOTE: We are located in the Alaskan wilderness , and sometimes phone service can be unreliable. If you leave a message and don't hear back from us within 24 hours, please try again, or send an email.